Frequently Asked Questions
Biz Directory Submissions
Domains Explained
Email Setup + Troubleshooting
Google / GSuite Migration
Leads - Website Form Submissions
Reviews? Rebuttals!
Search Engine Optimization SEO
Server Status
Social Media Marketing
Spam Mail Block / Virus Guard
Website Creation
Biz Directory Submissions
Can A Review Be Removed?
I have heard that to get into Google Local, I will receive a call or be sent a post card. Is this true?
WebWorx Video 3 - Google / Search Engine Advertisement and Google Analytics
What Search Engines and Directories is my business submitted to?
When is my business submitted to all the directories?
When will my business show up in the directories?
Will old listings be removed or updated?
Domains Explained
Can a P.O. box be used to register a domain?
Can I change the name of a domain after it has been registered?
Can I transfer existing domain names to Higher Images?
How do I obtain an Auth Code for my domain?
How do I verify domain info before initiating a Transfer of Registrar
How long does it take to register a domain?
How long will the Transfer of Registrar take?
How many years in advance can I register a domain?
How much is my domain name worth?
I accidentally let my domain name expire, and now someone else has registered it. Can you help me get it back?
Important information for registering .us domains
New Domain Requests
Once I register a domain, will I own it?
What are .info domains?
What are .org domains?
What are the character limitations in naming a domain?
What can I do if the domain name I want is already taken?
What does my domain status mean?
What domain names are being offered?
What is a domain name?
What is a premium domain name?
What is a registrar?
What is an Auth (authorization) Code?
What is the process for a Transfer of Registrar?
Why didn't my domain transfer complete successfully?
Will Higher Images ever email me asking to renew my domain name?
Email Setup + Troubleshooting
1&1 E-mail Storage Limits
Change an E-mail Account from a Mailbox to a Forward
Create a Forwarding E-mail Address
Create Additional Forwards for Your E-mail Account
Difference Between Mailboxes and E-mail Forwards
Difference Between POP3 and IMAP E-mail Accounts
E-mail Software Setup Credentials - Great Troubleshooting Guide
How do I access my email through my browser (webmail)?
How do I setup Outlook Email in Bluehost
Import Contacts, Appointments, and Tasks in Webmail
Maximum Attachment Size for 1&1 E-mail Accounts
Set Up E-mail on a Blackberry Phone
Set Up E-mail on an iPad
Set Up E-mail on an iPhone
Set Up E-mail with Mac OS X Mail using IMAP
Set Up E-mail with Mac OS X Mail using POP3
Set Up E-mail with Microsoft Outlook 2003 using IMAP
Set Up E-mail with Microsoft Outlook 2003 using POP3
Set Up E-mail with Microsoft Outlook 2007 using IMAP
Set Up E-mail with Microsoft Outlook 2007 using POP3
Set Up E-mail with Microsoft Outlook 2010 using IMAP
Set Up E-mail with Microsoft Outlook 2010 using POP3
Set Up E-mail with Microsoft Outlook 2013 using IMAP
Set Up E-mail with Microsoft Outlook 2013 using POP3
Set Up E-mail with Windows Mail using IMAP
Set Up E-mail with Windows Mail using POP3
Google / GSuite Migration
Email Data Migration to GSuite / Gmail
Leads - Website Form Submissions
Export Form Submissions to Spreadsheet
How to Export Form Entries from Gravity Forms
How to View Your Form Submission in Gravity Forms
What is Captcha and how does it handle SPAM!
Reviews? Rebuttals!
How to Handle a Bad Business Review
How to post a bad review rebuttal!
Search Engine Optimization SEO
How do I see my Google Analytics?
How do I see my SEO Monthly Report and their Sections.
How do I see the Keywords Focused On?
How do I see the Keywords we are tracking?
Server Status
Current Server Status
Social Media Marketing
Can I target my updates to specific Facebook fans?
Blogs FAQ
Google Buzz FAQ
How can I secure a username for my Page?
How do I add other Facebook Fan Page Admins?
How do I change my Page name?
How do I create a new event through my page now?
How Do I Log into my Fan Page?
How do I update my Facebook Fan Page from my mobile device:
How do to link Facebook and Twitter
How many Admins can a Page have?
How to Find People on Facebook
Linkedin FAQ
Social Media Plan Ideas DIY
Update your Fan page Via your Mobile Phone
What are the differences between various types of Facebook pages and profiles?
Why do I need a personal profile if I have a fan page?
Why is a fan page better than a regular profile?
Spam Mail Block / Virus Guard
How do I get my SPAM Blocker turned on?
Spam Mail Overview
What is Spam Filtering?
What is the Spam Report Email?
What is the Subject Analyzer?
What is Virus Guard?
What Level of SPAM Blocker should I use?
Where does my SPAM go?
Website Creation
Getting a Google Map for a website
Standard Website Setup
Search Magnet Local™
Website Design
Reputation Builder Plus
Useful Links
Knowledge Base
Training Videos
Our Contacts
368 Commercial Street
Bridgeville, PA
Phone: 412-203-1996
Fax: 412-221-7000
Important Notices
Bryan Thornberg
Ext: 1001
Craig Hodgkins
Ext: 1009
Dan Harmon
Ext: 1003
Kevin Hernandez
Ext: xxx
Linda Jo Thornberg
Ext: 1007
Lynda Stewart
Ext: 1006
Morgan Cushey
Ext: 1005
Why Rejected: