Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I verify domain info before initiating a Transfer of Registrar

Before you initiate a Transfer of Registrar, please verify your domain information
by following these steps:

Go to http://www.internic.net/whois.html.
Type in your domain name and click 'Submit'.
Internic data

Creation Date: If your domain was created less than 60 days ago, you cannot
transfer the domain. Please wait for the 60 days to pass before initiating a
transfer. This is a rule followed worldwide.

Expiration Date: A domain cannot be transferred if it has expired. Please
contact your Registrar to renew the domain registration and then initiate a
Transfer of Registrar.

Status: The status should read "Active." If there is a lock on your domain, please contact your Registrar to remove it before initiating a Transfer of Registrar.

Please note: all .org and .info domain transfers require an Auth
(Authorization) Code. You should be able to obtain this information from your
current Registrar. Please have the Auth Code ready before you initiate a Transfer
of Registrar for .info and .org domains.

Also, please make sure the e-mail addresses listed in the domain WHOIS are valid.
The most important ones are the Registrant Contact e-mail address and the Admin
Contact e-mail address. You can verify this information at www.whois.net.
Enter your domain name in the WHOIS Lookup text box and click 'GO'.

A window will pop up with all the information. Please verify that registrant-email and admin-c-email are valid.


Our Contacts

301 E. Main St.
Carnegie, PA 15106
Phone: 412-203-1996
Fax: 412-221-7000