here’s how to update your Facebook Fan Page from any mobile device:
1) Click “Edit Page†directly under your Facebook Fan Page profile picture
2) Go down to your “Mobile†settings (should be 3rd section down) and click “Editâ€.
If you haven’t yet registered your mobile phone with your Facebook Fan
Page, then first follow the steps of setting up your mobile phone.
3) Once you click “Edit†in the Mobile section, you’ll then see your Facebook Fan Page’s exclusive email address.
From the Facebook team, here’s how the “email to update Facebook Fan Page†function works:
* This is a secret email just for your Page – don’t share it with anyone except other admins of this Page. * The email subject will be used as the caption of your photo or video if your email contains photo or video. * The email subject will be used as your updated status if your email contains no photo or video. * Save your upload email as a contact for easy access.
that’s it – simply send your update via your exclusive Facebook Fan
Page email from any mobile device, including your Blackberry, and
you’ll then be updating your Facebook Fan Page!
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301 E. Main St.
Carnegie, PA 15106
Phone: 412-203-1996
Fax: 412-221-7000