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Set Up E-mail on a Blackberry Phone

Depending on the mobile phone as well as your carrier, the process will vary. E-mail setup can sometimes be done on the cellular phone itself while other times setup via your carrier's (or Blackberry's) website is necessary. Below is the relevant information you may be prompted for when setting up your 1&1 e-mail on your Blackberry device.

This information only applies to standard 1&1 e-mail accounts, not Exchange accounts.
E-mail Address Your full 1&1 e-mail address (e.g. account@1and1help.com)
User name/Account name Your full 1&1 e-mail address (e.g. account@1and1help.com)
Incoming Server imap.1and1.com
IMAP Port 993 (with SSL) or 143 (without ssl)
Outgoing Server smtp.1and1.com
SMTP Port 587 (with tls) or 25 (without tls)
Password The e-mail account's password, set when creating the address in the 1&1 Control Panel


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Carnegie, PA 15106
Phone: 412-203-1996
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