Frequently Asked Questions

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What is an Auth (authorization) Code?

An Auth (authorization) Code is a 6 to 16 character code assigned by the Registrar
at the time a domain name is created or after it is transferred. The Auth Code is
basically a password for transfer of the domain. Auth Codes are an extra security
measure, ensuring that only the owner of the domain can make transfers.

All .org, .info, .biz, .name and .us domains require an Auth Code. If you do not know
your Auth Code, you can obtain it from your Registrar. Please have it ready before you
initiate a Transfer of Registrar.

An Auth Code is only required for .info, .org, .name, .biz and .us domains.

Our Contacts

301 E. Main St.
Carnegie, PA 15106
Phone: 412-203-1996
Fax: 412-221-7000